"The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Albert Einstein

Team Development
2 Day Workshop - 16 Participants

When it comes to an organization’s employees, teams, products, etc., people talk about “Quality”, but what does the word really mean?  How do you really determine quality and deal with the issues detracting from high quality?  Team Development provides participants with the knowledge they need to identify and analyze organizational problems impacting continuous improvement environments.  Deming’s Shewhart Cycle is the foundation for this course, providing the tools and techniques needed to solve problems quickly. 

This LearnFirm.com course includes exercises, knowledge quizzes, and scenario evaluations.  Students can either read the script or listen along as an audio portion talks them through the material. 

Participants are required to apply the tools learned to review a scenario and identify, analyze and ideally solve a specific problem.  Case study simulations and specific condition evaluations allow participants to fully understand when and where to use each tool.  A comprehensive workbook recaps all the course highlights, giving learners a reference they can use well after the course is completed.

Learning Objectives

- Understand the Plan, Do, Study Act of quality

- Know what makes effective team work

- Identify different types of teams in an organization

- Recognize which tools identify issues

- Know which tools analyze problems

- Describe tools that both identify issues and analyse issues

- Analyze scenarios and determine the correct application for each tool

- Solve quality issues using:


Nominal Group Techniques

Flow Charting

Affinity Diagrams

Cause and Effect Diagrams

Force Field Analysis

Dot Plots

Tree Diagrams

Pareto Diagrams

Scatter Diagrams

Prioritization Matrices

Target Audience


Team Leaders

Team Members

Contact us for details on group pricing.


The Hoshin Kanri Process
Robust methodology for implementing change...

Hoshin Kanri

Hoshin Kanri is a step-by-step strategic planning process. The literal translation of Hoshin Kanri can have several American meanings. "Ho" meaning method or form and "shin" meaning shining needle or compass. Kanri means management or control; a methodology for strategic direction setting.

Hoshin Kanri provides an elegant method for creating a comprehensive communication system between all levels of employees, keeping everyone focused on meeting organizational goals.

Read More About Hoshin Kanri »

Just in Time Training
Work on real issues with content as need it...

Hoshin Kanri Strategic Planning

Work on real time challenges during a facilitated "just-in-time" training session. We believe that the best way to really learn something is to apply it immediately to issues that affect your business.

Team members prepare for group sessions with online web based training prior to the live session. Blended learning methodologies are employed to enhance learning and maximize efficiency.

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Organization Development
Change is the only constant in organizational growth...

Strategic Planning and Change Management

Working with executive management teams, we facilitate the groups understanding of the competition, the current environment, and what it will take to become a top performing organization. 

Customized sessions on visioning, missioning, and planning are designed to create a solid road map with tactics that can then be transferred into team charters and communicated throughout the organization.

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We offer workshops in all content areas related to organization development and strategic planning.

Contact Us

Contact us for a free quote on how we can provide training and consulting around strategic planning and organizational development.
